How to get from B2 to C1 level?

Описание к видео How to get from B2 to C1 level?

Have you already achieved the comfortable fluency level in your language? Congratulations! Wanna know what next? The best thing is about to start! Watch the video to find out what it is 😉 If you want to know how to learn a language in a fun and effective way, check out my website 👉

If you have achieved the level in your foreign language where you are comfortable using it, communicating with people, listening and reading without any greater problems, the best thing is about to start! 😉 Now you can actually start using the language to learn new stuff and new information using the language as a tool. This is one of the reasons why I love learning languages.

So if you want to further improve your language skills, and maybe also get to a C1 level, I suggest that you start using the language to learn new stuff with online courses. For example, Udemy has a lot of them for free on every topic possible. And many universities also create open courses for the public. In this way, you can use the language to get new information about something that interests you, and also to learn the language itself – if you start working with the language with a specific topic, you'll learn new vocabulary connected to that particular topic. Don't forget to process and learn those new phrases with a vocabulary-learning method (e.g. Goldlist or Anki) so you get them into your active vocabulary.

00:00 When are you on the B2 level?
00:19 What next?
00:31 Why do I love learning languages?
00:44 What to do if you want to get from B2 to C1 level?
00:59 Where to find great, free online courses?
01:20 Get new information and learn the language itself at the same time
01:26 Learn new vocabulary about a specific topic that interests you
01:51 Get the new phrases into your active vocabulary
02:01 My favorite vocabulary-learning method – the Goldlist method
02:17 Learn systematically, save time, and have fun!

I'm a TED speaker, a polyglot, a conference interpreter, and a language mentor who has lots of tips on language learning. Subscribe to the Language Mentoring channel to never miss another video. 😉


Learn how to learn languages the way polyglots do! 💪


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