Investments for a just and thriving world

Описание к видео Investments for a just and thriving world

Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development conference March 15, 2022.

On March 15, members of the Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development (SISD) met to discuss how investors can have a positive impact towards sustainable development. The discussion was informed by and at the same time aimed to contribute to the high-level conference: “A healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity” (Stockholm +50).

Opening remarks were delivered by Sida’s Alan AtKisson (Assistant Director-General), State Secretary Jenny Ohlsson (on behalf of the Minister for Development Cooperation), Deputy Director.

Victor Galaz of the Stockholm Resilience Center and Javiera Ragnartz, CEO of SEB Investment Management and SISD representative in Global Investors for Sustainable Development.

Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development (SISD) is a partnership comprising 21 of the largest financial actors on the Swedish market as well as Sida.

The event was part of "Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet", a series of dialogues where leading scientists, international organizations, investors, and other change-makers deliberate on a new agenda for economics and finance.

The deliberations will be presented in a synthesis report delivered to Stockholm+50 and contribute to its ambition in becoming the moment in time when the world shifted to a path towards a just and safe future. There will be a public launch of the report 1 June at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

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