未来への伝統 第29回(DHCテレビ) / 尺八奏者 寄田真見乃

Описание к видео 未来への伝統 第29回(DHCテレビ) / 尺八奏者 寄田真見乃

今回、訪ねたのは、尺八の奏者である寄田真見乃(よりた まみの)さん。

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尺八奏者 寄田真見乃(琴古流大師範)
2017年、DHCシアター 第29回『未来への伝統』に、尺八の若き伝統の継承者として出演。ANAの国際線で放映されました。

谷口嘉信 氏(世界的尺八奏者)
横山勝也 氏(世界的尺八奏者)
児島抱庵 氏(明暗寺第41世看首)
二代目 青木鈴慕 氏(人間国宝)
三好芫山 氏(都山流竹琳軒大師範)


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Shakuhachi player: YORITA, Mamino - Carrying Traditions into the Future #29

This episode of Traditions for the Future is about the Shakuhachi.
Born in Tang Dynasty, China, and brought to Japan, the Shakuhachi subsequently acquired its current shape between late Kamakura period and Edo period.
Its name derives from its length of one shaku eight sun.
In this episode, we visited Mamino Yorita, shakuhachi player.
Born in Kyoto, she entered the world of shakuhachi when she was nine years old, and became the youngest ever Master.
She is a young successor of a tradition, actively participating in festivals overseas in Europe and elsewhere.

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YORITA, Mamino: shakuhachi player (Kinko Ryu grand master)
Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts.
A prodigy shakuhachi performer who became the youngest person in Japan to be granted the title Kinko Ryu Grand Master exceptionally at age 16.
When she was 19, she had already mastered the Koden Shakuhachi Honkyoku (Watazumido Dokyoku, Fukezen Shakuhachi Honkyoku, Kinko Ryu Shakuhachi Honkyoku, Nezasaha Kinpu Ryu Shakuhachi Honkyoku), and learned the major Sankyoku Gassokyoku pieces, contemporary works and songs. She has also mastered secret works and secret techniques reaching the level of Koden Shakuhachi Honkyoku, and attracts attention as a rare presence in the present day world of shakuhachi.
In 2017, she appeared in Episode 29 of DHC Theater “Carrying Traditional into the Future” as a successor of tradition of shakuhachi. The episode was shown on ANA international flights.

Masters from whom she received personal instructions:
Yoshinobu Taniguchi (world famous shakuhachi player)
Katsuya Yokoyama (world famous shakuhachi player)
Hoan Kojima (the 41st Kanshu of Myoanji temple)
Reibo Aoki II (living national treasure)
Genzan Miyoshi (Tozan Ryu Chikurinken Dai Shihan)
*in no particular order

*Distributed with the permission of DHC Television.

◆General Corporation Juridical Person gem|Shakuhachi player Mamino Yorita & Yoshinobu Taniguchi

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