We are the World Cover || Laskar EDSA- Dosen & Mahasiswa

Описание к видео We are the World Cover || Laskar EDSA- Dosen & Mahasiswa



Audio: MinusOnePH @   • WE ARE THE WORLD - 25 Various Artist ...   Thank you.

Mixing & Mastering: Chunai de Marto. @   / @chunaidemarto2780   Kaka Chun punya feeling suara tanpa editan keren o kaka o. Fyi, semua vokal dalam video ini tidak diedit. Hanya pakai feeling grafik suara gengs.

Video: Indra Susanto @https://instagram.com/indra_susanto28... Pak Indra, you are that cool dan wow. Are there other weapons you hide for sure? 😁

Venue: Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng

The 'Laskars:' Bu Heldy, Bu Eka Yulin, Bu Olga Nita, Pak Mekas Ikin, Pa Sen, Pa Indra, Bu Ani, Bu Apin, Chun, Asti, Arnold, Kelvin, Aza, Ella Jelaha, Etris. Gengs, we did it well.

Emm, Bill terima kasih atas bantuan 6 menit 25 koma sekian detikmu di depan Kapela. Hahaha. Erik Rondas, maaaaan thank you for whatever it was.

Happy 25th Anniversary our beloved ELE Study Program. Again, this is not a perfect one, but we've tried our best.

The music and the lirycs remain the sole property of their respectives copyright holders. The video does not imply challenge to ownership of the original composition. This one is strictly intended for educational purposes. Thank you.


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