澳門詠春拳之源流 Origins of Macau Wing Chun

Описание к видео 澳門詠春拳之源流 Origins of Macau Wing Chun

詠春拳在澳門有系統的傳播, 應該從1966年的“僑澳詠春健身院” 設立開始, 至今已逾半個世紀。這個由葉問宗師的高徒何金銘師傅在這個小城播下的詠春種子, 數十年來薪火相傳, 人材輩出, 在這個華洋雜處數百年的地方, 開出一朵朵燦爛的禮花, 近年來, 隨著各師兄弟積極主動的認同和參與, 本會頻繁的出現澳門的社會活動, 多次與本地及海內外的同門和武術友好單位的互動交流, 令詠春拳在大眾市民的心目中留下極佳的影響。

The development of Wing Chun in Macau began in 1966 with the establishment of the Overseas Chinese Macau Wing Chun Fitness Academy. Master Ho Kam Ming, the academy’s founder and a disciple of the renowned Grandmaster Ip Man, trained many students from all walks of life for over half a century. From its origins as an “east meets west” commercial port, Macau has flourished into the vibrant city it is today. In recent years, through the actions and enterprise of Master Ho Kam Ming’s students, the federation has both fostered and participated in several landmark community initiatives. By building ties with local and overseas martial arts groups from various disciplines, it has played an integral role in increasing the profile of Wing Chun, benefiting countless students and practitioners and furthering the spirit of martial arts.

This documentary is directed by Daniel Mak and co-directed by Alex Jung and his hardworking and creative team. Check out their website:

Co-director's page:
   / dodanto37  


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