Interstellar Probe Webinar: Into the Unknown Local Interstellar Cloud

Описание к видео Interstellar Probe Webinar: Into the Unknown Local Interstellar Cloud

The panelists will discuss the nature of the local interstellar medium where our Sun travels. They will review the current knowledge about the Local Interstellar Cloud, and will also discuss how an InterstellarProbe mission going up to 1000 AU from the Sun enables discoveries of the unknown properties of the Local Interstellar Cloud, as well as the Sun’s location within the cloud, which remains a big mystery.

Elena Provornikova (Lead Scientist for Heliophysics, InterstellarProbe Study, JHUAPL)
Seth Redfield (Associate Professor of Astronomy, Wesleyan University)
Rosine Lallement (CNRS Directeur de Recherche Emeritus, GEPI department, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon)

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