Ships, Clocks & Stars: Assembling the H3 replica

Описание к видео Ships, Clocks & Stars: Assembling the H3 replica

How many people does it take to assemble a clock?

For the replica of John Harrison’s H3, currently on display as part of Ships, Clocks & Stars: the Quest for Longitude, the answer is two master clockmakers. David Higgon and Sean Martin, from Charles Frodsham & Co, London, spent four days reassembling a thousand pieces to create the working model.

'Ships, Clocks & Stars: The Quest for Longitude' was on at the museum until 30 October 2016.

Video by Lights Camera Business video production, Sydney

Exhibition produced by the National Maritime Museum, London

Exhibition Supporters:
Principal sponsor - United Technologies Corporation
Media sponsor - History channel
Catering - Laissez-faire catering

Ships, Clocks and Stars was supported by the Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance (AGIEI) Program. This program provides funding for the purchase of insurance for significant cultural exhibitions. Without AGIEI, the high cost of insuring significant cultural items would prohibit this major exhibition from touring to Australia.


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