GSB & DLC National Highway Construction Guidelines

Описание к видео GSB & DLC National Highway Construction Guidelines

GSB &DLC National Highway Construction.
Dry Lean Concrete: Everything You Need to Know About Dry Lean Concrete

Dry Lean Concrete is a mixture in which the amount of cement is less than the amount of liquid that is present in the layers.

This makes it ideal as a base layer on which other types of concreteare placed on top. It is good for a flat surface on uneven or dirty terrain.

Dry lean concrete must provide a firm base to withstand pavement-quality traffic.

There should be no connection between the pavement-quality traffic and dry concrete.

After laying the dry lean concrete, with the help of the paver and compacted with roller passes.

Minimum of eight times up and down, that is, a total of 16 passes. It must be sprayed with class MCO bitumenprimer.

Cracks will appear from 10 to 15 distances, depending on the amount of cement, the classification of the aggregate, temperature and wind speed, before placing the 500-micron pavement-quality traffic antistatic polyethylene layer.

The resistance of the dry lean concrete cube must be 5 N / mm2 and above. Higher cement depends on the strength required for the sub-base.

The maximum size of the aggregate must not exceed 20 mm.

A good mixture falls in the middle portion; a weaker mixture falls in the extremities. Take a sample from the end and compare it with the average portion of the concrete.

The difference in strength should not vary by more than 6%.

Advantages оf Dry Lean Concrete

Provides even and stronger support to the hard floor.

It has a high resistance to deformation.

It has excellent improved load transfer efficiency at the joints.

Helps in all weather conditions.

There is a final reduction in the depth of the slab due to the DLC as a base layer.


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