Roadside Tavern live music session, act 3 - Charles Monod and Adrian Lyons

Описание к видео Roadside Tavern live music session, act 3 - Charles Monod and Adrian Lyons

Two more accomplished musicians based in Doolin, North Clare – Charles Monod from Switzerland on the concertina and Adrian Lyons – were part of the many musicians who played in the Burren Smokehouse Visitor centre on a special day for the Irish.

On St. Patrick's Day, 17 March 2021, the Roadside Tavern organised a 5 hour live session in the visitor centre of the Burren Smokehouse. This live session was streamed on the Roadside Tavern's Facebook page.

This live session was watched by hundreds of people around the world - with many heart-felt and personal comments being exchanged. Many people felt comforted by the Irish music in their far-away homes, feeling homesick at the same time.


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