Android Platform Debugging and Development - Karim Yaghmour, Opersys

Описание к видео Android Platform Debugging and Development - Karim Yaghmour, Opersys

While Android_s use in embedded systems is now common, details about how to debug and develop in its internals are still hard to come by. Many very important questions therefore remain largely unanswered, such as: What_s the best tools and techniques to follow a codepath from the app layer all the way down the kernel? How do I isolate a performance problem within the stack? What_s the best way to edit and/or browse the Android sources? How can I set break points in Java code and still jump into the native C code that gets called from Java? This talk will explain the tools, techniques and, quite frankly, hacks that can be used to debug difficult problems within the Android stack. We_ll cover both the tools and techniques that come from Linux and those that are Android specific. For example, we_ll talk about Eclipse integration, Perf, ftrace, ddms, gdb, etc.


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