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Gemstones is a gem of the #planet, #Rahu, and is a gem of the #garnet group. #Rahu, #Sado, Planet Isolation Plants #Changes in #Mental, #Illusions, #Mysterious, #Changes, and #Sahas, #Energy, is considered to be the causative planet. #Gomed, #ratan, #hasonite, #gemstone, is of #red, #yellow, #cow, #urine, #color,#Gomed, is #considered, to be the #best, #gemstone, #Calcium -aluminum, #mineral, #mixture, is #smooth, #shiny arent, #Taurus, #Gemini, #Virgo, #Libra, #Capricorn, #Aquarius #Ascendant, and the #native of the #zodiac, can use it, which is # Extremely, #beneficial, #Gomed, #Ratna's, #Hasonite, #Gem, #Special, #Trade, and #Job, #Trader, #Broker, @Commission# #Agent, #Advocacy, #Government, #High, #positions #Electric Product, #Laboratory Research, #Unserten Gain, #Sudden Benefit, #Machinery Spare Part, #Petrol Pump, #Lubricant, #Chemical, #Pesticide #Product, #Medicine, #Ant Biotic, #Stock Market, #Liquor, #Business, etc. #Profit from hasonite Gem,#newsonghoneysingh Rahu planet has inauspicious effects on our life. #newsonggururandhawa One who is interested in imaginary things, is interested in Tantric Karma, wants money, is drunk, but woman is not willing to lie, they are bitter and vicious, from interest in business is vicious food watch on Saturday on the middle finger after duly consecrating in the Onyx Ratna Ashtadhatu. The weight of onyx should not be less than 7 ratti.#oldsong Caution should not wear rubies, #coral, #pearls and yellow topaz with this gem of Rahu. #Computer, #electricity, #research, #accidental work, #machines related, #vengeful material, #espionage secret work. #subiect related. #insectivorous. #neelam
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