Kirby Combo Tutorial Video - Smash 4

Описание к видео Kirby Combo Tutorial Video - Smash 4

Yes, Kirby is more than Fthrow, Dair, Utilt, Uair, repeat.

Finally released a Kirby combo tutorial video. Im sure this is what a lot of you wanted, even if you didnt know it. Learn to improve your combo game. Enjoy!

A bunch of these clips were captured in v1.1.2, which they were true in. The F-air and/or run speed changes this patch didn't increase any of Kirby's combos. They may have made some of them easier to do, but its so small its not really significant.

D-tilt trip registers many things as a true combo in training mode even though the opponent can get up before the slow attack comes out. D-air done perfectly out of a short hop comes out frame 22 (frame 18 D-air + 4 frame jumpsquat). Kirby can move 16 frames after D-tilt hits, meaning anyone with a trip stun of over 38 is true. Duck Hunt has the shortest with 39.

At kill %s, Dtilt to Fsmash requires a stutter step. I also dont mention "works at high/low %s" if its obvious... such as U-tilt to U-tilt, or D-air to D-smash. Also the various escape options are general for the majority of the cast, not the character its being done on. Escape options could exist or non-exist depending on their weight, size, or fall speed.

Uair to Bair can be avoided with DI away, but chances are they wont because then just Bairing them would send them at a horrible angle and possibly kill them outright. Threaten them with the Bair, and force them to react (if they can) to the Reverse Uair.
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