Why carbon offsets are worse than you think

Описание к видео Why carbon offsets are worse than you think

Carbon offsets sound so promising: If you emit some CO2, you can just pay someone else to reduce that amount somewhere else, and you’re good! But is it too good to be true?

We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.

#PlanetA #CarbonOffset #CarbonOffsetting

Reporter: Kiyo Dörrer
Camera: Henning Goll
Video Editor: David Jacobi
Supervising Editor: Joanna Gottschalk

Read More:

Carbon Offset Guide by the Stockholm Environment Institute:

Study on the effectivity of mandatory carbon offsets:

Market Report on voluntary carbon markets:

Study on the effectivity of carbon offsets among Indian wind power projects:

Investigation on Cambodian rain forest conservation:

Special thanks to: Lambert Schneider, Raphael Calel and Grant Rosoman for background interviews.

0:00 Intro
1:05 What are carbon offsets?
2:10 Carbon offsets in action
5:58 Scale and scope of offsets
6:55 Problems with carbon offsets
8:19 Additionality of offsets
10:24 Leakage and double counting
13:39 Solutions


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