Nol Tenga Recipe | Indian Chestnut Vine With Fish | Xaak Recipe | Indian Food Recipe

Описание к видео Nol Tenga Recipe | Indian Chestnut Vine With Fish | Xaak Recipe | Indian Food Recipe

Nol Tenga Recipe | Indian Chestnut Vine With Fish | Xaak Recipe | Indian Food Recipe

Indian Chestnut Vine, Nol Tenga ,
Tetrastigma leucostaphylum

Tetrastigma leucostaphylum or Indian Chestnut Vine is a flowering plant in the family Vitaceae that is found in Sri Lanka, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Orissa, Tamilnadu, Nepal and South East Asia. Regional Names include Noltenga in Assamese, Pirantaikkoti in Tamil, Kond Draaksha in Telugu.

Indian Chestnut Vine is a climber which is hairless except the inflorescence. Stems are sometimes boldly tuberculate. Leaves are usually 3-foliolate, sometimes pedately 5-foliolate; common petiole 2-5 inches long. low light plants house plants steamed fish


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