karen & keith || home to me (30 days of Marita, day 9)

Описание к видео karen & keith || home to me (30 days of Marita, day 9)

Show/Fandom(s): One Tree Hill
Couples: Karen&Keith
Song: Home To Me
Artist: Josh Kelly
So, if the last two videos have been about you and us and our friendship and everything, this is just one hundred percent about me. which, you should have expected at one point to be honest. like, these two are on your otp list so clearly you love them but YOU weren't the one whose first youtube handle was KarenKeith4Ever, who literally bawled her eyes out for FOURTY-FIVE MINUTES STRAIGHT and then cried a couple of hours more after that when he died, you didn't imprint on this couple when you were young and emotionally fucked, no that was me. And you bet i would take this chance to force myself into vidding these two again, because goddamn I love them so much and I can't believe that they were supposed to be endgame in the original ending. Like we came so close and it was ripped from us, and i still get a visceral emotion of hate whenever i see dan scott and think about the fact that he got a fucking redemption story WHEN HE KILLED HIS BROTHER IN COLD BLOOD CUZ HE WAS FUCKING JEALOUS.

So, yeah, thanks for this opportunity to relieve the thing that got me started as a vidder, and that defined so much of my young life in fandom.

"i'm leaving because i can't look at you anymore without my heart breaking"'
"i travelled half way around the world only to realize what i wanted was here all along"
"most of all, i missed you"
"for as long as i can remember, karen, i wanted to be with you"
"i love you, always have"
"we're engaged"
"emily wasn't the person i thought she was, and more importantly she wasn't your mom"
"he wasn't the one for me"
"i love you, keith"
"single boy, single girl, lots of history"
"it's not to late, is it?"
"marry me"
"you can't propose to me, i was gonna propose to y.."
"why were you here that day?"
"i came back to see you"
"it made me realize i was ready for you"
"i'm glad i loved you all those years"


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