বৃৃত্তি পৰীক্ষাৰ cheque কেনেকৈ ভাঙিব পাৰিব/Chief Minister Special Scholarship / Dhanjit Nath

Описание к видео বৃৃত্তি পৰীক্ষাৰ cheque কেনেকৈ ভাঙিব পাৰিব/Chief Minister Special Scholarship / Dhanjit Nath

#chiefministerspecialscholarship #assam #scholarship #ethicalworld #scholarshipupdate #nspupdate #dhanjit #dhanjit_nath

This video is just to inform about the process of withdrawal of money of chief minister special scholarship for class 5 and 8
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Facebook id👉   / dhanjitn3  

instragam id👉   / dhannu_da_dhan  

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