Quick comparison of new Dorado 21700 25ah battery vs Dorado Plus 16ah battery

Описание к видео Quick comparison of new Dorado 21700 25ah battery vs Dorado Plus 16ah battery

This is a new 25ah Reention Dorado battery in a new large case format for my NCM Moscow ebike. The old formats included the Dorado Plus (13ah to 19ah kinda range using 18650 cells), the Dorado Max (17ah to 21ah kinda range using 18650 cells) and now this new Dorado 21700 case tops out around 25ah and uses (of course) 21700 cells.

The battery was purchased from Aijiu Energy Tech in Shanghai and as I was the first to receive this new case (I believe I got the first production sample from Reention). It was made with Samsung 50E 21700 cells. Since this was the first one being made I was able to verify the cells used and the entire construction process via photos from Jenny the sales manager at Aijiu.

Contact: Jenny Mao, Sales Director ([email protected])
Company: Shanghai Aijiu Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
Ordering link: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detai...

Watch for a full review! I am on Electric Bike Reviews forums and will be posting updates and more detailed reviews there.


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