Michael Flatley's Feet of Flames: The Impossible Tour -- Planet Ireland

Описание к видео Michael Flatley's Feet of Flames: The Impossible Tour -- Planet Ireland

At last, it's time: Planet Ireland.

This is the moment. A new generation steps forward with a message: it's time for new magic.

This is when you realize the true genius of Michael Flatley as a dramatist, not just a performer: he took an obscure ethnic folk dance and built a billion-dollar show out of it -- a show built to go for generations.

Twenty-five years ago, Lord of the Dance began. It rampaged across the globe. It sold out stadiums. It appeared on TV. It spawned parodies, knock-offs, and pop-culture references galore. It was this uniquely outrageous sexy rock concert you could still bring three generations of family to see.

But most importantly: it captured hearts.

Because, underneath everything, the magic of Planet Ireland -- the mythic fantasy world of Lord of the Dance -- is real. The raw joy is real.

And now, a quarter of a century later, it's being rediscovered.

Some of you reading this are discovering it for the first time. To you, this is your generation. These are the faces you know.

Some of you are rediscovering it all. As with all hot cultural entertainment phenomena, it was on your radar, and then you moved on. Now your nostalgic curiosity has brought you back, and you're amazed at what you see, eagerly catching up on what you've missed.

And some of you have been here since the beginning. You have watched the old videos so many times you know every shot by heart. The nostalgia is indelible because you lived it. You were there. And you are here, now, reading this, quietly admitting to yourself that you're excited once again. That -- whisper it -- the kids are alright. Because while the old magic will echo in your heart forevermore -- it wasn't just the show, it was that time in your life, and how the two intersected -- you've secretly hungered for new magic that treats what you love with respect but still moves things forward and gives you new reasons to be excited.

To one and all: welcome to LORD OF THE DANCE.

This is Feet of Flames: The Impossible Tour.

This is Planet Ireland.

And this is the New Generation.

Planet Ireland arises: NOW.

#FollowYourDream #LordOfTheDance #FeetOfFlames #MichaelFlatley #IrishDance #IrishDancing #25YearsOfStandingOvations #LOTD25 #Lord25


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