Dynasty Denver Exclusiv 1985 part 5 | Pamela & Jack interview | documentary Dokumentation

Описание к видео Dynasty Denver Exclusiv 1985 part 5 | Pamela & Jack interview | documentary Dokumentation

Dynasty documentary Dokumentation Denver Clan Exclusiv 1985 part 5. German tv interviewed Pamela Bellwood in her dressing room, Jack Coleman, John and Linda at the Dynasty set.

0:00 shooting at the library set, John & Linda
0:22 shooting at Blake´s office, Gordon, John, Elaine Rich
0:36 shooting at Blake´s office, Jack
0:47 interview Pamela, Claudia´s new glamouros look
1:33 interview Pamela, "Which of Claudia´s characteristic do you like most?"
2:07 interview Jack, "Were you concered about the part?"
3:15 "Steven is bisexual"
3:49 interview John, "How would you deal if your son is homosexual?""
4:33 "You are a better father than Blake?"
5:12 interview Linda, "Joan plans to leave - what are your plans?"
6:00 "You would give up all this for a man?"
6:36 Dynasty disco party


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