Mass Effect 2: Rescue Wounded Quarian (Gei Hinnom, Sheol, Hades Nexus) - Vanguard Persephone

Описание к видео Mass Effect 2: Rescue Wounded Quarian (Gei Hinnom, Sheol, Hades Nexus) - Vanguard Persephone

Character Name: Persephone
History: Spacer
Reputation: War Hero
Class: Vanguard
Extra Talent: Inferno Grenade
Difficulty: Insanity

Commander Persephone Shepard is looking for a Quarian named Lieutenant Forzan vas Idenna on Gei Hinnom, a planet in the Sheol System of the Hades Nexus. A team of quarians crashed on this world in the scout ship Cyniad and only one is currently surviving. We are trying to extract her amidst feral varren attacks.
For more quests with this character, see this playlist:    • Persephone INSANITY - IN PROGRESS Mas...  

Hades Nexus:
(0:00) Land on Gei Hinnom with Grunt & Jacob
(0:38) Pilot's Log, Scout Ship Cyniad
(1:15) Stabalize Lt. Forzan vas Idenna
^(1:26) Varren attack!
^(3:29) Shuttle shows up
^(3:39) Escape
(4:12) Mission Complete

🎮 = Tutorial aspect
💗 = I took a Flirting/Romance opportunity
+?R = Renegade Points gained
+?P = Paragon Points gained
Planet = I found Eezo to mine
!Planet! = Anomaly Detected
^ = Audiovisual anomalies

Note: At this point, I've tried everything I can on my end including a different headset. I try my best to restart the Stream until I get a really clear one. From what I understand, the audiovisual anomalies are from Twitch.

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at   / reformingclock  

#Vanguard #Paragon #FemShep #Insanity #Spacer #WarHero #MassEffect2 #ME2 #LegendaryEdition #Shepard #CommanderShepard #InfernoGrenade #IncendiaryAmmo #BioticCharge #Biotics #OmniTool #MediGel #Melee #Pull #ConcussiveShot #Gamer #Gaming #enbyGamer #DisabledGamer #Twitch
#NormandySR2 #Normandy #ResearchUpgrade #JacobTaylor #EDI #AI #Grunt #UrdnotGrunt
#Cerberus #Krogan #Quarian #Human #ForzanVasIdenna #HadesNexus #GeiHinnom
#JenniferHale #AdamLazarreWhite #SteveBlum #TriciaHelfer


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