Описание к видео TETRIS (FRIENDS) TIME

Some shenanigans in Tetris Friends.
I suck, I know, lol
This video is very short, I do apologize, but I've been somewhat busy and didn't want to leave the channel rotting. I've noticed more people have been subscribing and I do believe it's fair to upload something, no? (. ) (. )

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Twitter: http://bit.ly/GPSItwitter
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Donate to help me with my stuff :D : http://bit.ly/gpsidonate
Corrupted version of Tetris NES - Theme C
Puyo Puyo Tetris - Folktales Of The Motherland!
Puyo Puyo Tetris - Fun Puyo Puyo Hell!
Puyo Puyo Tetris - Forever Frantic Fever!!
Dragonstep-Mania - Beta Menu (by Acetantina)

Tetris is owned by the Tetris Company. Puyo Puyo is property of SEGA.
All remaining content is property of their respective owners.


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