8 Model Making Hacks for Architecture Students – MUST KNOW Tips to Improve Architecture Model Making

Описание к видео 8 Model Making Hacks for Architecture Students – MUST KNOW Tips to Improve Architecture Model Making

Want to improve the models you make as an architecture student? I’ve got 8 architectural model making hacks for you.
These are 7 of those lightbulb moments I’ve had as an architecture student. The small things that make huge differences when model making.

These 7 hacks are from my new interactive online architecture course, 70 Hacks for Architecture Students. If you haven’t checked that out yet, I highly recommend you do. I spent over 6 months on it – it’s completely free and packed with so many small things that make huge impacts on the work you create.

Check out the FREE online course for architecture students:
▼ 70 Hacks for Architecture Students▼
→ https://successfularchistudent.com/ ←

Let’s go through the 8 biggest model making hacks for architecture students.

Architectural Model Making Hack #1 - Scoring
Just how you win sports by scoring, you win model making by scoring.
Unless you have a sharp blade, you do not want to try cutting your material in one cut . . .

You’ll end up having jagged edges and your material will look as if it’s been hacked at with a knife.


You want to score the material with your blade.

This involves starting with light “guiding” cuts.

After making 2-4 light, guiding cuts, you can start to increase the force you put into your cut to progressively cut through the material.

Architectural Model Making Hack #2 – Keep your blade sharp
While on the topic of cutting, it’s incredibly important to keep your blade sharp.

Using a dull blade will not only destroy the material you’re using, but it will require a lot more scores to cut through the material and will ultimately ruin your life (no exaggeration).

If you’re using an X-ACTO style knife, blades are relatively cheap and disposable.

If you’re using a box-cutter type knife, the blades are made to be snapped off. So, do it regularly.

Keep your blade sharp.
. . . Just stay safe ;)

Architectural Model Making Hack #3 – Populate your models and maquettes
The final touches on a model is what makes it stand out.

The difference between a bad looking model, and a great looking model, is usually just the final touches or “post-production”.

By populating your models using scale people and trees, it gives the audience an ability to realise the model in terms of its size compared to real-life things.

I suggest using dead tree stems you find outside or some sort of metaphoric, skewer like material for the trees. I would avoid using model trees, plants and grass you buy from the local art shop.

Architectural Model Making Hack #4 - The right tools
Cut with a metal ruler instead of a plastic one.
Use a cutting mat.
Grab yourself a model making x-acto set with different precision blades (link below).

Architectural Model Making Hack #5 - The left… tools?
This hack is to encourage you to think outside the box when it comes to model making.

For the last model I made, being a curved timber structure (you can see me present it in front of my class here), I used some tools I had never really thought of using before to make models.

This included some gardening secateurs, a saw, screws/screwdrivers and some other tools I found in my garage.

Architectural Model Making Hack #6 - Prepare your glue!
Now, I’m not a huge fan of model making.

What gets me the most, is the delay it has on your creative skills.

Every time you want to put an idea together, you must wait for the glue to dry before you can do the next step. With digital modelling, it’s all very quick and fast paced.
I discovered a few hacks that minimise this delay when making models.
Firstly, place some of the glue on a piece of paper beforehand and wait 20 minutes.

If you wait long enough for the glue to prepare, it will already be grippy when you go to use it.

The two pieces will join almost immediately as the grip of the prepared glue is strong enough to hold them up together.

Architectural Model Making Hack #7 - Clamping hack
You’ve waited for your glue to prepare. All you need now is something to hold your pieces together.

I recently found out that bulldog clips, the clips you use for holding paper together, are extremely useful when model making.

Alternatively, you could use pegs, pins or rubber bands.
Prepare your glue, hold the pieces together, and bind them with the bulldog clip or preferred alternative. Move on to the next piece. Simple.

Architectural Model Making Hack #8 - Materials everywhere
Don’t be limited to balsa and white card. You’re creative. Be creative.

Be experimental with the materials you choose. Use your creative, architect mind to think outside the box and utilise some whacky and cool materials around your home, or from the local hardware stores – rather than the art shop.

I hope you found those architectural model making tips useful!


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