Save Karijini - Short Film

Описание к видео Save Karijini - Short Film


Karijini National Park is the ancient heart of Western Australia's Pilbara region. Encompassing a landscape two and a half billion years old, this area holds stories of nature's grandeur and the deep connections between the Muntulgura Guruma people and this land they have occupied for millennia.

Our sacred country enchants travellers with unspoiled landscapes and rich cultural heritage. It invites people on a journey through time where the ancient traditions of our people meet the curiosity of visitors from around the world.

This incredible landscape, however, is under threat. Equinox Resources is preparing to develop their Hamersley Iron Ore Project on the very footsteps of Karijini.

The area impacted by the proposal is a vital source of ground and surface water that nourishes Hamersley Gorge. Already in Muntulgura Guruma country, natural billabongs and waterholes have been damaged beyond repair. Giant open mines will tear the land to pieces. Haul roads and access roads will disrupt the ecology of the region.

Yet Equinox Resources have plans to begin drilling before the end of the year.

We have raised our voices in concern. We have seen the impact of mining in our country, and we know the damage to this land will be irreversible if this proposal goes ahead.

We want to preserve what unspoiled country we have left for future generations - to protect the great cultural significance of the landscape, the unique ecology of the region, and the stunning natural beauty of the area - for us and for the two hundred thousand visitors who come to admire the beauty of Karijini each year.

Our voices are falling on deaf ears.

If we're going to preserve this precious landscape for future generations, we need to protect the area surrounding it too. We're asking the wider community to hold hands with us to protect what's left. Not just for us, but for everyone.

Show Equinox that you stand with us in our mission to protect Karijini by signing our petition.


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