The TSP Made Changes | What are The 8 things They Didn't Fix

Описание к видео The TSP Made Changes | What are The 8 things They Didn't Fix

The TSP has made a lot of changes. But did they fix everything?

Are there still some shortcomings that make it possibly not the best place for you to manage your money in retirement?

This isn’t meant to be a video bashing the TSP.

But As you’re planning for your retirement, you want to use whatever resources you have available that best help you achieve your goals.

If some of these things that TSP didn’t fix, are a big deal for you, then you may want to make other arrangements.

Let’s go over the eight things that TSP didn’t fix, coming up next.

The information provided is not intended as tax or legal advice. Figures shown are for illustrative purposes only furthermore, the information nor the illustrations provided may not be used to avoid any tax penalties. This content represents the general views of Christy Capital Management and should not be regarded as personalized investment advice Nothing herein is intended to be a recommendation. The opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. Retirement Benefits Institute, Inc., and a portion of its contents merged with Christy Capital Management Inc. Brandon Christy, former President of Retirement Benefits Institute, is also the current President of Christy Capital Management, Inc, a registered investment adviser.


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