Meeting Papaji and writing about him

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This is a long answer I gave in my house to a Russian film crew who wanted to know how I met Papaji, and what happened in my early meetings with him.

In the middle of the reply I go into a long digression about a Tamil saint, Andavan Pichhai. When I talked about her life, I had not read her account for about twenty years. I realised later that I had misremembered some crucial parts of the story. I passed on these misremembered portions to Papaji, but serendipitously, they turned out to be the trigger that launched him into a long account of his early life. I reread Andavan Pichhai's story about five years ago and ended up writing a very long blog post on her life. If anyone is interested in a full and more accurate version of her life, it can be found at http://sri-ramana-maharshi.blogspot.c...


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