May 30, 2024: SDS is 14 sticks richer; Shadow ends the workday by delivering fluff to the nest

Описание к видео May 30, 2024: SDS is 14 sticks richer; Shadow ends the workday by delivering fluff to the nest

Chief Stick Officer Shadow delivers 13 sticks to SDS today.
Jackie also contributes a stick (02:57), and after that she perches on SDS while Shadow continues to work.
Shadow leaves SDS at 19:13 (11:20) and Jackie leaves at 19:50 (11:30).
As night falls, Shadow flies to the nest with a talonful of fluff (11:40), and he rearranges a few sticks before heading to the roost tree where he and Jackie roost together for the night ❤️
Video courtesy of Friends of Big Bear Valley @FOBBVCAM


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