Reykjavik Newscast

Описание к видео Reykjavik Newscast

Alina and Art were lucky enough to witness a full day of the volcano raging, but that's not all – a small lavafall is now filling the Meradalir valley.

Experts are predicting that eventually the lava will measure as much as ten metres in height, after which the molten rock will roll on towards Suðurstrandarvegur, the nearby road.

Volcanic pollution now hangs in the air, ruining the summer weather in the capital area. But luckily, changes in the wind are forecast. Geldingadalsgos always has something new in store...

This month we're offering walking tours of Reykjavík with Valur and Bjartmar Alexandersson, (co-presenter of The Icelandic Perspective), as your guides. If you want to meet the guys – and Pollý – click this link:

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