WILD RESCUES: Amputee Sloth Released Back into the Wild!

Описание к видео WILD RESCUES: Amputee Sloth Released Back into the Wild!

The Toucan Rescue Ranch is thrilled to announce the successful release of Raquel, a two-fingered sloth!

Raquel arrived in July after surviving in the wild with a necrotic arm from electrocution. After an initial health check by our vet team, it was decided that we had to remove her arm to avoid further infection.

Luckily, the surgery went exceptionally well! After only two months of recuperation, she was ready to be released back into the wild! We released her in a large protected area called Earth University!

Thank you to all the people who supported Raquel's recovery: you made this rescue, rehabilitation, and release story possible!

Please join us starting October 20 for the 5th Annual Sloth Ironman Games! This is an exciting online fundraising event that supports our Saving Sloths Together program and helps sloths like Raquel get #backinthetrees!

OFFICIAL SLOTH IRONMAN GAMES PAGE https://www.mightycause.com/story/Slo...


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