Special Telugu Session: Why Bhakti Matters & How to Advance in Sadhana by HG Gauranga Darshan Prabhu

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Dive into a thought-provoking Telugu lecture by HG Gauranga Darshan Prabhu on the topic: "Purpose of Life – The Need for Bhakti and How to Progress in Sadhana." Held at Nizampet Ramalayam on 18th December, this enlightening session provides profound insights into understanding the true purpose of life, the importance of bhakti (devotion), and practical tips to advance in sadhana (spiritual practice).

Don’t miss this inspiring discourse designed to guide you on your spiritual journey. Share this video with friends and family to spread the light of Krishna Consciousness!

📍 Venue: Nizampet Ramalayam
📅 Date: 18th December, 2024

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