Roadracers "My Mistake" Music and Vocal Only (no Dialogue / Ambient Sound)

Описание к видео Roadracers "My Mistake" Music and Vocal Only (no Dialogue / Ambient Sound)

This is the music and vocal only version of “My Mistake” from the 1994 Robert Rodriguez film “Roadracers.” Very few people have ever heard this recording in this form. All the versions on the net / Youtube etc., have dialogue and ambient sound: tire screeches, engine noise, the sound of Sarge’s car crashing through the billboard and the like. This was taken from my Showtime studio CD which was made in ’96. I had to edit and loop a bit of the very first guitar part so as to exclude car tire / engine noise from the beginning (before the drums come in). Other than that it’s straight from the CD as we recorded it in Fort Worth, Texas. I also boosted the volume to get it up to 2021 industry standards.


Song written by The King Bees

Paul Boll - Guitars
Johnny Reno - Vocal / Saxophone
Mike “Cadillac” Johnson - Bass
Mike Gage - Drums

Photo by Christina Patoski
Johnny on Sax forefront
Johnny, Paul, Tommy Nix (co-screenwriter) on hood of ‘40s era Mercury


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