For Bert Jansch: William Coulter (Santa Cruz) plays Lily in the Blackthorn Bush

Описание к видео For Bert Jansch: William Coulter (Santa Cruz) plays Lily in the Blackthorn Bush

For Around the World in 80 Plays, William Coulter plays his own arrangement, inspired by Bert Jansch, of the Welsh tune Lily in the Blackthorn Bush.

#ForBertJansch #AroundTheWorldin80Plays #80PlaysForBert 
Musicians around the globe are saluting Bert Jansch, the legendary guitarist and singer song-writer who would have turned 75 in November 2018. The Bert Jansch Foundation is sending a special guitar, the Yamaha TransAcoustic – the latest incarnation of Bert’s favoured L series – across continents from artist to artist, enabling musicians to connect with his timeless music and enduring legacy. See who is taking the guitar on the next stage of its journey at https://80plays.bertjanschfoundation....


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