Alphorn Experience: Kühreihen - Ranz de Vaches: a presentation on the original scene

Описание к видео Alphorn Experience: Kühreihen - Ranz de Vaches: a presentation on the original scene

The Alphorn was originally used by cowherds upon the alps in order to communicate with the cattle on the pastures and to call them back to the stables. They made use of characteristic melodic motives („Kühreihen“ or „Ranz de Vaches“).
The Quartet „Alphorn Experience“ draws on the ancient sources for their program „Kühreihen“. Traditional melodies are carefully and respectfully arranged and confronted with new compositions that represent a contemporary interpretation of the genre.
Staging the performance on the original scene of an alpine pasture in an important element of the „Kühreihen“ program. The alphorn music combines with cowbells, animal voices and natural sounds for a spectacular experience.


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