AK Durable Supply Co's foil board range at the AWSI // Foiling Magazine

Описание к видео AK Durable Supply Co's foil board range at the AWSI // Foiling Magazine

Products featured:
AK Phazer
AK Compact

Steve meets up with AK Durable Supply Co's Clinton Filen at the AWSI trade show to discuss the current AK board range...

Interview transcript:
Hi, I'm Steve with Foiling Magazine and I'm here with Clinton (Filen) with AK Durable Supply Co. Clinton, I'd love to talk about your new boards, but I wanted to get a little background. You and I go back a little bit and I know that you've had a long experience in designing boards beyond just this AK brand here. So, could you tell us a little bit about the development of AK and then tell us a bit about the boards?

So, from our side, we are from Cape Town, South Africa and that's really a waterman paradise. So, we pretty much spend our days surfing, kiting, winging, windsurfing, surf foiling, doing whatever we can. And that really just ended up having the opportunity to do something that we could really share our love of all the board sports in all the water spots. So that AK began to take shape just from that shared passion with being able to connect with our friends.

So you've been designing boards professionally for decades, for many years, right?

Yeah. I mean, I started as a kid building my own boards and then, luckily enough, got taught by some really smart people and then it has been a long journey.

For the full transcript, head to: https://www.thefoilingmagazine.com/fi...

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