Yoga for Diabetes | Wow Wed 2 | Session 14 | Freedom from Diabetes

Описание к видео Yoga for Diabetes | Wow Wed 2 | Session 14 | Freedom from Diabetes

Yoga is the most promising, cost-effective option in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. Important point is It not only works on your body but on your mind and soul too.

Dr Pramod Tripathi in this week's session will go even further and teach us various yoga poses that help in diabetes and its reversal.

Do tune in

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How does Freedom from Diabetes work ?

Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) is an organization that specializes in DIABETES REVERSAL and enables the creation of healthier families! It has innovated a unique approach that consists of a four-pronged protocol of DIET, EXERCISE, INNER TRANSFORMATION, and MEDICAL that is perfected over years of research and hard work. This protocol brings rather quick results and 12,000+ are free from diabetes medicines and insulin completely.

Program to join - Enroll Now Join our First Online Session from the comfort of your home. FFD's ONLINE FIRST SESSION is the most important for diabetics to open to the possibility of reversal.

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30 Days Diabetes Challenge Series:

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