What's Good in the Hood: Fortitude Valley

Описание к видео What's Good in the Hood: Fortitude Valley

What’s Good in the Hood: Fortitude Valley

Club town, brunch town, dinner town, cocktail town, shopping town. Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley brings the noise. Once upon a time, the Valley was an area best known for its large capacity club scene and accompanying 3am kebabs. That legacy still holds strong, but there’s another side to the suburb that’s exploding with fantastic hospitality, both brand new and much-loved. The beauty of the place is its opposing forces. You can shop in beautiful boutiques, drink well, eat well, and dance yourself silly till the sun comes up. What a town. From fancy sausage rolls and steak sandwiches to beef tendon crisps and the best steak of 2023, here’s What’s Good in the Valley Hood.


Establishment 203
The Lobby Bar at the Calile
Agnes Woodfired Bakery
sAme sAme
Gerard’s Bistro & Bar

See the full story at raremediummag.com


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