BC Housing and Tenancy Law. Ch 3: Case Law Update (Oct 2019)

Описание к видео BC Housing and Tenancy Law. Ch 3: Case Law Update (Oct 2019)

Lawyer Danielle Sabelli (CLAS) provides an update on case law (court cases are binding on the RTB). For community workers and advocates. Part 3 of a 3 part panel. Topics include:

● Renovictions and tenant offering to vacate
● Landlords acting in good faith or having an ulterior motive
● All permits in place before landlord issues notice to end tenancy (Aarti v Baumann)
● Tenant not understanding and not attending hearing (MBB v Affordable Housing Charitable Society)
● Occupy means reside (Schuld v Niu)
● Bias in interpreting instead of translating (Suri v Vahra)
● Adequacy of reasons (Marchall v Pohl)

For more information on tenancy law in British Columbia:
● Tenants Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC): http://tenants.bc.ca/
● Access Pro Bono: http://accessprobono.ca/
● Clicklaw (online compendium of resources): https://www.clicklaw.bc.ca/
● Community Legal Assistance Society: https://clasbc.net/
● Dial-a-Law (call in to hear legal information): https://dialalaw.peopleslawschool.ca/
● Justice Education Society of BC: https://www.justiceeducation.ca/

For more free public resources about the law in British Columbia:
● Aboriginal Legal Aid in BC: https://aboriginal.legalaid.bc.ca/
● Family Law in BC: https://familylaw.lss.bc.ca/
● Legal Aid BC Resources for Community Workers, including free print publications in a range of languages: https://lss.bc.ca/community_workers

Please note: Legal Aid BC resources are for professional development. They don't provide legal or other professional advice. Law is constantly evolving; changes in practice and procedure occur frequently. Exercise your professional judgment about the correctness and applicability of the material. Please refer to the relevant legislation, case law, administrative guidelines, and other primary sources. The views and conclusions expressed here are not necessarily those of Legal Aid BC.

Legal Aid BC helps all British Columbians with serious family, child protection, immigration, and criminal law issues. We give free legal information to everyone, and advice and lawyer services to eligible British Columbians.

Credits: Presentation by Danielle Sabelli, Community Legal Assistance Society. Filmed and edited by Paul Donovan, Focus Audio Visual Services Ltd., Production and publication coordinated by Kate Murray, Bridget Greenwood, Baljinder Gill, Ella Droko, and Brian Goncalves, Legal Aid BC. Thumbnail design by Brian Goncalves and Caitlin Kuo, Legal Aid BC.


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