Gen Z in Kenya: The fight for a Nation's future begins

Описание к видео Gen Z in Kenya: The fight for a Nation's future begins

Demonstrators in Kenya are gathering in towns and cities to protest against a finance bill that would raise taxes.

Public outcry has already forced the government to withdraw some of contentious provisions, including a 16% tax on bread and an annual 2.5% tax on vehicles.

But protesters say this is not enough and have demanded that legislators, who are currently debating the bill in parliament, to reject the entire bill. It all started with peaceful protests against a finance bill tabled in Kenya's parliament.
The proposed legislation includes tax increases to raise extra funds the government says it needs to pay off public debt.
The protests intensified, crowds stormed the parliament compound and the military was deployed.
Security forces used live rounds, killing and injuring many.
A defiant President William Ruto called the demonstrations treasonous, and promised to take a tough stance on what he called anarchy.
So, will the unrest be contained?

#Kenya #Africa #BBCNews

The Kenyan finance bill protests are led by the Gen Z who took it to themselves to say enough is enough. #rejectfinancebill2024 #kenya #kenyanews #genz #kenyangovernment


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