Branza de caju fara amidon si fara agar

Описание к видео Branza de caju fara amidon si fara agar

🌹O reteta unica, proprie, nemaipomenita si nepreluata din alta parte. Va rog sa o distribuiti alaturi de referinta la acest canal sau de link-ul cu aceasta reteta. Multumesc.
🌹Fata de alte retete existente până acum de mozzarella vegana, aceasta nu contine amidon sau alți gelifianti, are doar 2 ingrediente de bază, se poate face si fara ulei de cocos. Ingredientele de la aceasta reteta fiind putine si la indemana (ovaz si caju), ambele avand calitati nutritionale ridicate.
🌹Uleiul de cocos e total optional. Este adaugat doar pentru gust si pentru un efect mai pronuntat de mozzarella. Eu am folosit ulei de cocos dezodorizat, pentru ca nu am dorit sa simt gust de cocos. Dar, bineinteles ca puteti folosi de care doriți. La varianta care am pus-o peste pizza și s-a topit frumos, am pus aproximativ 5 linguri de ulei de cocos la toată tranșa de mozzarella (nu doar la cât am pus peste pizza!).
🌹Daca nu vreti sa fie atat de ferm, incat sa il taiati cu cutitul, atunci puteti sa nu mai faceti testul de consistenta cum am aratat la cascavalul de naut. Pe o paine sau pus in oala pentru paste, sau chiar pe o pizza, nu e necesar sa fie atat de ferm.
🌹Varianta pe care am taiat-o cu cutitul, am tinut-o pe foc aproximativ 10-15 minute, facand teste pentru consistenta, pana am ajuns la fermitatea pe care am dorit-o.
🌹Ingredientele folosite în rețeta din video sunt urmatoarele: 1 cana ovaz fulgi mari, 1 cana caju, 1 cana apa (sau lapte vegetal), 1/2 cana bors, 2 linguri ulei de cocos si 1/2 lingurita sare. Aceasta este reteta de baza, la care puteti adauga si alte condimente, chiar si probiotic, la pasul specificat in video.
🌹După stoarcere, se poate lăsa câteva ore să actioneze probioticele din borș. Acestea dau un gust mai aparte.
🌹Am lasat in mod intenționat greselile pe care le-am facut eu, sper sa fie de folos si usor de preparat de catre fiecare in parte.
🌹Ceea ce puteti face pentru a ma ajuta sa am o rasplata pentru munca depusa, este sa dati un Like, un comentariu, Subscribe și Share la aceasta reteta. Mulțumesc!
🌹Cascaval de naut:    • ❤️ Cașcaval De Năut! Rețeta originală...  
Vegan cheese made only from oats, cashew and coconut! A tasty cheese that melts!
🌹This recipe is unique, original, never seen anywhere else and not taken from anywhere else. Therefore, please share it along with the reference to this channel or the link with this recipe from my channel. Thank you!
🌹Compared to other existing vegan mozzarella recipes, this one does not contain starch or other gelling agents, it has only 2 basic ingredients, it can also be made without coconut oil (but the result is more fabulous if it is added, at least one or two spoons of coconut oil). The ingredients of this recipe being few and at hand (oats and cashews), both having high nutritional qualities.
🌹Coconut oil is totally optional. It is added only for taste and for a more pronounced of mozzarella effect. I used deodorized coconut oil, because I didn't want to taste coconut. But of course you can use whichever you want. In the version that I put on top of the pizza and it melted nicely, I put about 5 tablespoons of coconut oil on the whole recipe of mozzarella (not just on how much I put on top of the pizza!).
🌹If you don't want it to be so firm that you can cut it with a knife, then you can stop doing the consistency test as I showed at the chickpea cheese. On a piece of bread or put in a pasta pot, or even on a pizza, it doesn't need to be so firm.
🌹The version that I cut with the knife, I kept it on the fire for about 10-15 minutes, doing consistency tests, until I reached the firmness that I wanted.
🌹The ingredients used in the recipe in the video are the following: 1 cup of large flaked oats, 1 cup of cashews, 1 cup of water (or vegetable milk), 1/2 cup of probiotic water OR water, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. But, of course, this is the basic recipe, to which you can add other spices, even probiotics, at the step specified in the video.
🌹The bowls are greased with oil that does not harden in the refrigerator, i.e. not with coconut oil!
🌹After squeezing, the probiotics can be left to work for a few hours. They give a more special taste.
🌹I wish you to enjoy the vegan mozzarella made from oats and cashew. And, don't forget about me and the work I put in for this recipe to reach you. What you can do to help me get a reward for the work I put in, is to Like, comment, Subscribe and Share this recipe. Thanks!
🌹Chickpea cheese:    • ❤️ Cașcaval De Năut! Rețeta originală...  
🌹The bags:


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