Honour your daughters and your nation will be in peace?

Описание к видео Honour your daughters and your nation will be in peace?

Honour your daughters and your nation will be in peace??

“Lloyd deMause, The Emotional Life of Nations, Chapter Seven. In this chapter, deMause outlines how treatment of daughters affects cultures and nations. From his research, deMause has found that the mistreatment of children is one of the main reasons for problems we have in the world, including wars.”

— Becoming a Joy-Filled Woman
by Barbara Moon.

She also reference Dr James Wilder in her book who looks at it from a Biblical view.


Bless you women as you invest in other women!

Merri Ellen :)

PS. If you're a woman who needs some encouragement, this too has been helpful for many women... I keep getting stories from readers. Learn more here: https://www.merriellen.com/101wordsbook


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