President to sign WEP/GPO repeal on Monday, 1/6

Описание к видео President to sign WEP/GPO repeal on Monday, 1/6

We did not plan another update for 2024, but with so much interest in the signing of HR82 and implementation of the law by Social Security we’d like to ease members’ anxiety and help answer a few common questions. The passage of HR82 is a wonderful way to end 2024, which had already proven to be a good year for retired Massachusetts public employees. With the president scheduled to sign the bill into law on Monday (1/6), the new year will be off to a very good start. However, there is a lot of work to be done here in MA in 2025. Between the COLA Commission, Post Retirement Work Task Force, and health insurance we are planning for an extremely busy year ahead.

Again, we will report to Mass Retirees members once the president signs the law and there is more information to share.

If you are a retired Massachusetts public employee reading this post and are not a member of the Mass Retirees Association, we ask that you please consider joining by clicking the link below. Repeal of the WEP/GPO laws was only possible due to the work of non-profits like Mass Retirees, organized labor, and similar organizations representing retirees across the country. The same applies to here at home in MA. Since 1968, Mass Retirees has been the Voice of the Retired Massachusetts public employee. Your retirement benefits did not come about by accident. They are largely the result of the work done by Mass Retirees over the past 56 years. Help defend and improve your retirement benefits by becoming a member today by clicking here


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