MAXI AVALANCHE Pra Loup FINAL race- Liam Moynihan

Описание к видео MAXI AVALANCHE Pra Loup FINAL race- Liam Moynihan

I raced a Maxi Avalanche last week in Pra Loup.
The race format is a qualifying race on Saturday to determine starting order followed by 2 final races on Sunday. Points are allocated to position finish and the overall winner has most points.
The entire weekend go to plan for me. With a bad one on Saturday qualifying I had to line up on the second row ( the first time I can remember not being front row for a final race of this kind) In race one I managed to break my chainring and chain so had a DNF, I lined up for the second and final race anyway and managed to make up a few spots before bending my chainring!! Kept it going to at least finish in 7th for this race. Looking forwards to doing another of these in future and doing a better job of it! Haha!


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