Historically Accurate Rapier Techniques in VR - Blade and Sorcery

Описание к видео Historically Accurate Rapier Techniques in VR - Blade and Sorcery

I've always been fascinated by HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts). I tried using what little knowledge I had of it in VR to make something (somewhat) realistic and still theatrically cool, enjoy :)
Sped up slow motion footage was used.

Enhanced Difficulty: https://www.nexusmods.com/bladeandsor...

Fast Weapon Handling (custom settings given below): https://www.nexusmods.com/bladeandsor...
Courtesy of DesiredRave on Nexus Mods:
"forceMaxPosition": 5800,
"forceMaxRotation": 4700,

"forcePositionSpringDamperX": 6400,
"forcePositionSpringDamperY": 100,

"forceRotationSpringDamperX": 4000,
"forceRotationSpringDamperY": 100,

"climbingForceMaxPosition": 4300,
"climbingForceMaxRotation": 1000,

"gripForceMaxPosition": 6500,
"gripForceMaxRotation": 1000

Camille, the Steel Shadow - Riot Games, League of Legends


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