Alavi Bohras - 17 Dec 2023 - Third Senior Citizens Meet - Exclusive Bayaan of Huzoor e ’Aali TUS

Описание к видео Alavi Bohras - 17 Dec 2023 - Third Senior Citizens Meet - Exclusive Bayaan of Huzoor e ’Aali TUS

45th Da'i e Mutlaq al Alavi Dr Saiyedna Haatim Zakiyuddin Saheb TUS addressed the Senior Citizens in his exclusive speech highlighting few important points pertaining to Old Age. Saiyedna Sahen graced the event with his auspicious presence for the third consecutive time as this event is close to his heart and we receive all guidance from him about the event.

The event was organized by the Ladies Wing of Baroda Cyclopedian team at Moti Farms on the outskirts of Vadodara. It is much more than a one day picnic. It was filled with Fun Activities, Magic Show, Budhdhimaan Contest and many such things.

Saiyedna Saheb TUS in his Bayaan emphasized on the following points:-

1. Do not self retire. Don't think yourselves as being unable to carry out routine things after certain age.

2. Engage yourselves Mentally and Physically till your last breath. Age is nothing but NUMBERS. Keep your Mind active by engaging yourselves in Reading, Writing and learning New things. Learning new things at a later age prevents Dementia, Alzheimer and other neurological illnesses. Keep yourselves physically active by doing Gardening, Walking, Jogging etc.

3. Do not confine yourselves to House after certain age. Even if you have Knee pains, don't quit walking and going out of the House. Don't limit yourselves in just looking after your grand children. Make friends and socialize even after 70 yrs.

4. Don't take any physical and mental change after 60 yrs lightly. A disease gives signals before getting established. Be alert even to a minor change in body and mind. Prevention is better than Cure are the golden words in Old Age.

5. Just like Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood; Old Age is special and unavoidable stage of your Life. Enjoy it rather than taking it as a Burden. Every stage of Life has its own Pros and Cons. Accept the Change of Life and Move Ahead.

6. Don't become dependent on your Family Members for pity things. Have a habit of doing things on your own. Take your own Decisions. Don't let your Children Decide for you every time. Make yourself heard Loud and Clear. Khidmat is altogether a different thing. By being independent keeping your self respect at all times.

7. Be Financially Independent at all TIMES. Don't surrender everything just because you have grown OLD. You will seriously need Money in the Old Age. And how would you feel demanding money from your Children?

8. Getting married at a later stage is not a SIN. If your life partner has died or you are a divorcee; don;t hesitate to put your own life interest in from of your children. You have a RIGHT to be someone to help you out at a later stage of life. Be firm in your Life Decisions. If your children are against you or disagree with then don't succumb.

9. Physical Relations have no Age Limit. It is always how you deal with it. Getting Physically involved with your better half keeps your Mind and Body in an optimum condition. And this is a medical proven

10. And Last but not the Least. At your Ripe Age when you feel that you have done a lot for your family and you need rest. When you feel that you don't want to do anything more - then do one thing - "DIVIDE THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES BUT DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES"


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