To You (Harmonica)- 그대에게 (하모니카)- 天狼星口琴樂團 Sirius Harmonica Ensemble

Описание к видео To You (Harmonica)- 그대에게 (하모니카)- 天狼星口琴樂團 Sirius Harmonica Ensemble

To you (그대에게) 是來自韓國的著名流行樂曲,此為天狼星口琴樂團所演奏的六重奏版本,最早曾於2018首爾國際口琴節音樂會中演奏。
To you (그대에게) is a well-known pop song from Korea. This is the harmonica sextet version played by Sirius Harmonica Ensemble. This piece has been presented in 2018 Seoul International Harmonica Festival.

申海澈(신해철)是韓國樂壇著名歌手,曾擔任Infinite Track、N.EX.T等搖滾樂隊主唱,擅長音樂製作、作曲、作詞,在韓國流行音樂界素有「魔王(마왕)」稱號。申海澈一生中共推出30張唱片,是韓國最具影響力的搖滾歌手之一。To You(그대에게)此曲為其参加1988年MBC大學歌謠節並獲得大獎的出道歌曲,是一首象徵著申海澈的音樂人生的歌曲。即使距離MBC大學歌謠節已經30多年,此曲仍被廣泛運用為學校活動與體育賽事的應援歌曲。在韓劇《請回答1988》和2018年平昌冬季奧運會的閉幕演出上都作為重要歌曲,是一首即使現在的孩子也都耳熟能詳的著名歌曲。
Shin Hae-chul (신해철) was a South Korean singer-songwriter and record producer known for being a pioneer of Korean experimental rock music. Shin was the lead singer of the rock bands Infinite Track and N.EX.T, released 30 albums in his life, and is regarded as one of the most influential signers in Korea. He was referred to by fans as the "Demon Lord" or "The Devil" for his charismatic stage presence. Shin debuted at the 1988 MBC Campus Music Festival and won first place for the song "To You." This piece is frequently used in different activities and sports events, such as the 2018 Winter Olympics, PyeongChang. Consequently, after more than 30 years of its release, it is still a well-known piece even for the children in Korea.

本影片計畫由財團法人國家文化藝術基金會「TAIWAN TOP演藝團隊」年度獎助專案補助。This video project is founded by the Taiwan Top Performing Arts Group, National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan.

和弦口琴 Chord Harmonica | 陳彥銘 Yen-Ming Emery Chen
半音階口琴Chromatic Harmonica | 陳奕翔(陳Q) Q Chen, 蔡明憲Ming-Hsien Tsai, 張晁滕Chao-Teng Chang, 王衍華Yen-Hua Wang
倍低音口琴Double Bass Harmonica | 黃冠誌 Kuan-Chih Huang

Sirius Harmonica Ensemble is the prize winner of Harmonica Group World Champion in 2017 World Harmonica Festival (WHF), and was invited as judges and performing guests by WHF in 2013 and 2021. The Sirius has been invited as judges and performing guests by Seoul International Harmonica Festival for seven consecutive years. In the past decade, they remain active in various international harmonica festivals in Europe and Asia, and has been regarded as one of the most renowned harmonica ensemble influencers at the present time. The Sirius adopted a wide range of musical styles from Latin, Tango to Pop and Jazz. In addition to the exploration in harmonica music, they have also denoted to the popularization and education of harmonica music in Taiwan. Since 2014, Sirius started to organize the Taiwan Harmonica Music Competition (THMC), which has become the most important annual harmonica activity in Taiwan. The intention is to establish a sound environment for harmonica players in Taiwan, twist traditions and get people to look at harmonicas with new eyes.


Special Thanks to : Duo Space

Sirius Harmonica Ensemble's Spotify Channel:

Sirius Harmonica Ensemble's Apple Music Channel:
  / sirius-harmonica-ensemble-%e5%a4%a9%e7%8b%...  

Sirius Harmonica Ensemble's Facebook page:
  / siriusharp  


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