1. Fueling European Union Growth - Stefano Gatti

Описание к видео 1. Fueling European Union Growth - Stefano Gatti

Fueling European Union Growth. Financing and Investing in Infrastructure. 27 June 2012. Università Bocconi in collaboration with Goldman Sachs. Stefano Gatti
Department of Finance and CAREFIN, Università Bocconi.

Infrastructure is the backbone of modern economies.
By 2020, approximately 3.5 trillion Euros are expected to be
invested in basic infrastructure in Europe.
The Connecting Europe Facility position paper issued by the
European Commission in 2011 outlined the objectives Europe
needs to pursue in order to regain competitiveness at an
international level and to generate macroeconomic growth,
a vital component of which is the attraction of private capital
to invest in infrastructure in the near future.
This workshop co-organised by CAREFIN-Università Bocconi
and Goldman Sachs analyses the need to consider two key
ideas when thinking about investing in infrastructure. First, investing in infrastructure requires an understanding
that infrastructure is an interesting asset class for institutional
investors, particularly when mixed with traditional asset
classes in a diversified portfolio. Second, financing
infrastructure is a delicate issue during challenging times
when liquidity is scarce.
The 2020 Project Bond Initiative supported by the EU
and EIB is trying to fill the void created by banks refraining
from financing basic infrastructure in their respective
countries. However, this does not offer a guaranteed solution
without confirmation that bonds are a viable alternative
to syndicated loans for the financing of basic infrastructure.

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