Intro to decentralized messaging & libp2p

Описание к видео Intro to decentralized messaging & libp2p

A workshop with Jacob Heun for developers interested in starting with decentralized messaging and libp2p.

0:00 Intro - Trent ETHGlobal
4:00 Jacob Heun - Intro
9:30 What is libp2p?
10:14 Transports - Connecting to Peers
10:50 The First Connection
15:27 Multiaddress (Multiaddrs)
21:08 Re-using Connections
23:33 Encrypting Data
26:20 Base Configuration
37:40 Protocols in libp2p
47:00 Peer Discovery
59:50 Broadcasting Messages
1:07:50 Complex Messaging
1:12:00 Next Steps
1:14:45 Q&A Section
1:33:32 Closing Words - Trent ETHGlobal

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