Samia Chasi: "What are more sustainable, equitable and just internationalisation practices?"

Описание к видео Samia Chasi: "What are more sustainable, equitable and just internationalisation practices?"

Keynote 1: 5/12/23

Dr Samia Chasi, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, Partnership Development and Research, International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA).

Please note this video starts with the CIC event introduction from Professor Don Passey and Dr Jan McArthur. Samia’s presentation begins at 04:41.

In this talk, Dr Chasi will explore how internationalisation intersects with sustainability, equity and justice. Starting from the assumption that we cannot continue to conduct ‘business as usual’, she will discuss the need to re-imagine internationalisation and to practice it in more sustainable, equitable and just ways. Drawing on decolonial approaches and sharing insights from South African higher education, she will specifically focus on international conferences and partnerships.

Dr Samia Chasi is a practitioner, scholar and facilitator in higher education internationalisation with more than 20 years of experience in this field. She is currently the Manager: Strategic Initiatives, Partnership Development and Research at the International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA). Her current research interests lie in critical, Global South perspectives on higher education internationalisation, with a particular focus on South-North collaboration and partnerships.


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