德國頂流製表, 怎能只知朗格一個? |專訪德國高端獨立品牌 Moritz Grossmann 掌門人| Ms Christine Hutter | 英飛訪談 Noel's Interview

Описание к видео 德國頂流製表, 怎能只知朗格一個? |專訪德國高端獨立品牌 Moritz Grossmann 掌門人| Ms Christine Hutter | 英飛訪談 Noel's Interview

「Watch the World Vlog #97 德國高端獨立製表品牌Moritz Grossmann (上)|手表的價值,在於高級工藝 」


和朗格的創始者阿道夫.朗格生活在同一年代的Moritz Grossmann,是當年格拉蘇蒂最傑出的鐘表大師之一。百多年後的今天,一位女性製表師將這個名字重新喚醒,承傳大師的製表傳統,也追溯格拉蘇蒂小鎮的百年遺風。是什麼工藝高度讓我對這個德國獨立品牌愛不釋手?又是什麼淵源,讓一位女士走進男性為主的鐘表世界,為愛表之人帶來精密機械的共鳴?
「Watch the World Vlog #97 German high-end independent brand Moritz Grossmann (I) |The value of a watch is its high craftsmanship
Moritz Grossmann, who lived in the same era as Ferdinand Aldoph Lange, is one of the most eminent watchmakers in Glashütte. A hundred years later today, a female watchmaker revitalizes his name and carries on the crafts and traditions of this legend, tracing the century old legacy of the town of Glashütte. What high craftsmanship made me fell in love with this independent German brand? How did fate lead a lady into a male-dominated watch world and bring resonance about precision mechanics to watch lovers?

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