Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Shiki Nanaya Mod + Download

Описание к видео Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Shiki Nanaya Mod + Download


I messed around with the files for a bit and made this quick mod, it'll replace Shiki with Nanaya from Boss Rush 2.

I added some of his move back from Shiki like Eight Piercings, and Air DP since it's missing from boss ver of Nanaya.
Also reduced his overall damage. Although, He still feels like a boss since He gains double the power from using any of his moves, Moon Drive and Charge, and I have no idea where to look for the files to change it.
Since he's a quick swap, some of Shiki's line will play instead of Nanaya, I need to look more into this later.

This is just a test to see If modding Fpan game was easy or not, and color me surprised. it's pretty hard. One thing wrong and the whole thing breaks lol. like, if you paste a code in the wrong place the character won't move since it breaks the input. This made me respect and appreciate BootySama's mod even more.
I guess I'll just stick to making MUGEN characters kek.

Using this online is probably not a good idea.

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