Pi Pi live record gig - HEATHDJ | 152 BPM Raw Techno

Описание к видео Pi Pi live record gig - HEATHDJ | 152 BPM Raw Techno

In the surreal world of "Pi Pi," memories drift like wisps of smoke through a landscape where time is fluid. Inspired by the visions of Salvador Dalí, it unfolds in a desolate realm where the familiar dissolves into abstraction. Here, memories are not anchored but float freely, like clocks that melt and warp over barren trees and forgotten ruins. Faces appear and vanish in the mist, and voices echo from places unseen, recounting tales that never quite solidify. In "Pi Pi," recollections are phantoms, haunting an endless desert of forgotten moments and half-remembered dreams, where reality bends and fades into the surreal tapestry of the mind.


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